Welcome to JellySeeks!

Want to have a look around? read some blogs? commission an art? Go ahead!

Want to have a look around? read some blogs? commission an art? Go ahead!

Inkling boy hugging Octoling boy with another octoling beside him


A grumpy punk who comes across a little intense to strangers but we all know he's a softie inside those leathers.


A loveable ball of energy with a sole purpose to eat sweets!


A smug photographer who would be perfect for hosting a tea party!

But first! Check out my characters!

You may see these little fellas around the site so be sure to say hi, haha! 

Feel free to hover over flashing hotspots for a brief introduction, or, if you want to get super personal, click them to be directed to their character pages!

Reading your thing?

Got you covered! Here at JellySeeks we got a whole range of blogs to gander over; everything from character deep dives to problems at the art industry, something here is bound to tickle your fancy!

Or perhaps you want to look at art?

Take a look at my favourite arts I’ve created or check out my portfolio page to access ALL my past works!

Interested in commisioning?

Click on either of these buttons below to be directed to my commissions info page where you can look at pricing, various styles on offer and submit a commission form so I can get started on your character!  


Icon, halfbody or fullbody commissions available!


Icon, halfbody or fullbody commissions available!


Icon, halfbody or fullbody commissions available!


Icon, halfbody or fullbody commissions available!

Or maybe you want to know who I am...

Stumbled across my site without a clue who I am & what it’s about? Not a problem! To look at what inspired me and what values I have as the founder of JellySeeks, check my about the artist page! Clicking this friendly Korok should direct you to the page! That’s if.. he’s not terrorizing Link.

Still have questions?

That’s okay! Please get in touch via direct messages on my socials or fill out the form below! However, if you wish to commission a piece, please use the form at the bottom of the Prices page : D it’s a lot more specific and would be easier to use ^^

Art of chibi cyan inkling boy OC holding onto the contact form
Art of chibi cyan inkling boy OC holding onto the contact form