Meet Spark!
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The name is Spark. Use the index Or simply scroll.
Hello, the name is Spark. Please use the table of contents to the left Or scroll to read all of my blog.

Welcome to Spark’s character page! Use the table of contents above to navigate to different parts of his blog!
Spark was the last of my 3 main Splatoon OCs to have been created but is no less loved than Seeks and Sev! He’s the eldest of the trio and with that comes a smidgen of maturity yet not enough to stop the octoling from enjoying himself! Spark relishes spending his days secluded in his manor accompanied by his flowers when he’s not dabbling in photography- his biggest passion and job profession. But when masking his introverted nature, hosting grandiose functions, whether it’s business related or simply a tea party for his girlfriend, they are well within his nature!

Spark's Fact File
☆ Age: 23
☆ Birthday: 14th November 2000
☆ Species: Octoling Male
☆ Height: 6’3
☆ Orientation: Heterosexual
☆ Residence: Manor on Inkopolis’ outskirts
☆ Age:
☆ Birthday
☆ Species:
14th November 2000
Octoling Male
☆ Height:
☆ Orientation:
☆ Residence:
Manor on Inkopolis’ outskirts
Depending on who you ask would likely change your perception of Spark as the octoling seems to put up a different demeanor depending on his company. Overall, Spark is a reserved individual who likes to keep to himself. This is much unlike the face to his clients where he’ll openly try to seduce them into buying his modeling or photography services. Some of his marketing tactics aren’t as honorable as he’d like though, with some ending in nights of faux ecstasy followed by a glass of red and an accompanying cig.
Thankfully, his rather blasé approach to women was halted at the arrival of his soon to be girlfriend; Umi, an inkling who had no interest in being pursued by what she deemed was an idiot with a pretty face, eventually warmed up to the yellow cephalopod and shaped his view on the world forever. Therefore, as insincere as he may come across, it’s simply a business face (and perhaps the result of a not-so-great childhood). Spark is truly ambitious when it comes to his interests hence why his roses bloom like they’ve cultivated with magic or that when his slender fingers glide over piano keys, ears are blessed.
Aside from his musical and gardening skills, he is also quite adept with a teapot and will take his time brewing tea leaves to achieve what he calls perfection in a teacup. From earl grey to chamomile, his collection will ‘leaf’ you amazed.
Likes and Dislikes
Hosting tea parties
Confectionary (in particular- cakes)
Playing piano
Physical affection
Giving expensive gifts
Seeks’ constant torment
Flying on planes
Being compared to his parents
His past
His bad habits (drinking and cigs)
Spark, whilst being a huge part of the JellySeeks universe, isn’t actually as intwined with the other main characters as much as some other OCs. His unfortunate deposition to be alone but not lonely has led to many halfhearted relationships, therefore there are few he’s established a bond with. That count isn’t zero though, so just who are the cephalopods in Spark’s life?

Defining the relationship between Spark and Seeks is like comparing them to chalk and cheese because whilst yes, both their names begin with ‘S’, everything after that differs to extremes… Or at least Seeks thinks so. Ever since meeting Spark, Seeks has been inundated with such hatred towards the octoling that I struggle to put it into words. Why? Well, that’s the question- Spark hasn’t done much in the way of Seeks apart from contrast in moral codes, but if there’s one thing I do know about him, it’s that he is incredibly irritable when faced with someone who potentially excels at the qualities he favours about himself (particularly in the height and wealth department). As a result, his jealousy seemed to expand at an overgrowing rate. Spark was disinterested in bickering at the onset and often dismissed the octoling, but he occasionally takes guilty pleasure in 1-upping him in said qualities (Seeks started it afterall!). In recent months, the fighting has calmed down but with Seeks being as stubborn as he is, the duo is still frequently caught butting heads. Interested in learning more about Seeks? Check out his own character blog here!
Sev and Spark are two characters that contrast even more heavily than the above pair. There isn’t much in common they share other than their profound love for sweets and being close to Umi. Much conversation isn’t initiated between them as it’s often they fail to understand each other; whilst Spark talks like he’s reading off a dictionary, Sev throws so much slang into his lexis that it’s like a whole new variant of Inklish all together. However, Seeks’ slight bullying against the poor man rubbed off on Sev and thus, a nickname was created for the octoling- ‘emo pika’. Needless to say, he isn’t fond of it… Interested in learning more about Sev? Check out his own character blog here!


Sev and Spark are two characters that contrast even more heavily than the above pair. There isn’t much in common they share other than their profound love for sweets and being close to Umi. Much conversation isn’t initiated between them as it’s often they fail to understand each other; whilst Spark talks like he’s reading off a dictionary, Sev throws so much slang into his lexis that it’s like a whole new variant of Inklish all together. However, Seeks’ slight bullying against the poor man rubbed off on Sev and thus, a nickname was created for the octoling- ‘emo pika’. Needless to say, he isn’t fond of it… Interested in learning more about Sev? Check out his own character blog here!

Umi is a character not created by me, but instead by my good friend @missagent_3. Whilst we established our Splatoon worlds together, it was obvious that Spark and Umi were going to connect in ways that Spark hadn’t yet with our other OCs. Umi, whilst initially presenting a shy and dismissive demeanor to the octoling, is a kindhearted inkling who, after steady months of pining, began dating Spark. Armed with flour, eggs and sugar, Umi’s baking cannot rival the likes of her boyfriend who often fails with anything involving an oven. Thankfully, a tea party is not much without the beverages! So, whilst Umi serves up the good stuff (cookies, cakes, you name it!), Spark is partial to pouring drinks for his friends. This is only one of many activities the couple share together as Spark now finds it hard to be separate from his partner, but respects her space when need be.
Moondust (or Dusty for short) met Spark early in their career takeoff when they first established their fashion brand in Inkopolis. They are an eccentric and flamboyant fashion designer set on producing perfected pieces they can curate in magazines. They’re confident in their craft and will often boast about the creativity that’s been poured into the clothes they produced. The two are business partners that maximise profit by using their own talents to showcase their skill- Spark will model the clothes Dusty has produced and photograph it for advertising. This means equal exposure for both Dusty’s fashion brand and Spark’s photography/modeling business.


Moondust (or Dusty for short) met Spark early in their career takeoff when they first established their fashion brand in Inkopolis. They are an eccentric and flamboyant fashion designer set on producing perfected pieces they can curate in magazines. They’re confident in their craft and will often boast about the creativity that’s been poured into the clothes they produced. The two are business partners that maximise profit by using their own talents to showcase their skill- Spark will model the clothes Dusty has produced and photograph it for advertising. This means equal exposure for both Dusty’s fashion brand and Spark’s photography/modeling business.

Mira is one of Spark’s employees in his modeling and photography business. They share similar attributes in personality and therefore don’t talk much between shots, opting to revel in their own company. She is emotionally withdrawn and doesn’t tolerate people belittling her or wanting more than she can offer but is thankful that Spark gave her a job at her lowest point. When she’s willing to socialise, the two may bond over a glass of wine and chat about their futures but don’t share much in interests. She is glad that she can occasionally find solace in Spark.
Design Aspects

☆ Tall with thin build but has some muscle on torso and legs.
☆ Skin is pale and he uses unnoticeable makeup to cover up acne and pockmarks from his youth.
☆ Tentacles consist of 4 slightly wavy tentacles that are sideswept on the right side of his head. They are all magenta and fade into a golden yellow at the tips. This is the same for his eyebrows which are predominately dark but fade to yellow.
☆ Eyes are a honey yellow that glint gold in sunlight.
☆ Has 1 left eyebrow piercing and an industrial piercing in his left ear. These are both gold like the ring on his left ring finger.
☆ Wears a blue dress shirt with a pale-yellow tie. Tie has miniature fleur de lis decorations.
☆ May be wearing a dark navy blazer that’s draped round his shoulders or fully worn (but it is usually removed).
☆ Leather belt is brown.
☆ Wears tailored dark navy dress pants.
☆ Shoes are a reddish brown brogues with darker tips

Take a look at his colour pallete!

Alternate Universes? (AU's)
I currently have a few AU’s in the works! One of which being Sparks human design and the other being inspired by the SpiderVerse films! More information will be published soon but stay updated with the latter universe by checking out the blog page dedicated to it here !
To view my whole portfolio please check out the page for it here but if you wanted to see works with just Spark, dive in!
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